
For an easy way to get started testing the SDK, use our testing page where you can enter your app secret, login, and then make requests in the browser console.


To install and set up the library, run:

$ npm install @assetlayer/sdk-client

Or if you prefer using Yarn:

$ yarn add @assetlayer/sdk-client

Just want to

Reference the SDK

You can reference the SDK in two ways:

import { AssetLayer } from '@assetlayer/sdk-client';


const { AssetLayer } = require('@assetlayer/sdk-client');

Instantiate the SDK

You can instantiate the SDK with your app secret, or with a base URL. Only use your app secret server side in a production environment. Client requests should be sent to a proxy server. To set up a proxy server for your app, you can use our open source Express.js server or our Sample App as a starting point.

const assetlayer = new AssetLayer({appSecret: "YOUR APP SECRET"});


const assetlayer = new AssetLayer({baseUrl: "YOUR SERVER URL"});

You can also instantiate the SDK via CDN in an HTML file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
  <script src=""></script>
    const assetlayer= new AssetLayer();

Make a Request

As a first request, use your appId and call getApp.

const app = await assetlayer.apps.getApp({ appId: '633b30ca09d1acacd0c50df4' });

By default, handlers return the payload and will throw Errors. You can get the raw response by calling the raw handler as shown below:

const response = await assetlayer.apps.raw.getApp({ appId: '633b30ca09d1acacd0c50df4' });

The raw handlers can be useful in situations where more data from the response is required. However, it can still throw an error, to fix that we can call the safe handler as shown below:

const { result: app, error } = await{ appId: '633b30ca09d1acacd0c50df4' });

Login a User

Logging in a user is as simple as:


This will trigger a prompt for the user to sign-in. You can skip the email prompt by providing an email like so:

assetlayer.loginUser({ email });

You can also directly pass in a did token (unregistered). With this method you can await the response:

const success = await assetlayer.loginUser({ didToken });

When not passing a didToken, you must rely on a callback. To handle a successful login you have to pass in an onSuccess handler:

assetlayer.loginUser({ onSuccess: async () => console.log(await assetlayer.users.getUser()) });

Note that you must use a web browser or similar environment for authentication.

Logout a User


Handling an active session

Using initialize, you can sign in a user if there's already an active session:

const loggedIn = await assetlayer.initialize();

This will return whether or not the user was successfully logged in. You can also pass it an onComplete handler:

assetlayer.initialize((loggedIn) => { if (!loggedIn) assetlayer.loginUser(); });

Request Details

By default, handlers return the payload and will throw Errors. You can get the raw response by calling the raw handler as shown below:

const response = await assetlayer.apps.raw.getApp({ appId: '633b30ca09d1acacd0c50df4' });

The raw handlers can be useful in situations where more data from the response is required. However, it can still throw an error, to fix that we can call the safe handler as shown below:

const { result: app, error } = await{ appId: '633b30ca09d1acacd0c50df4' });

Some endpoints may have different return types depending on the provided properties. For this reason, there are more specific handlers available:

const appOrApps:App|App[] = await{ appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID', appIds: ['APP_ID_1', 'APP_ID_2'] });
const app:App = await assetlayer.apps.getApp({ appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID' });
const apps:App[] = await assetlayer.apps.getApps({ appIds: ['APP_ID_1', 'APP_ID_2'] });

These all call the same core endpoint (, but getApp & getApps offer stricter type security when passing props and returning values. Typescript is highly recommended and the sdk includes extensive typings, useful for referencing & importing, allowing for turn-key type-safe app development.

Last updated