
Update collection details


export type UpdateCollectionProps = {
    collectionId: string;
    description?: string; // a description for the new collection (editable)
    tags?: string[]; // up to 5 tags, used for search (editable)
    royaltyRecipient?: string; // userId for the royalty recipient (editable)
    collectionImage?: string; // b64 data of collection image (editable)
    collectionBanner?: string; // b64 data of collection banner (editable)
    properties?: BasicAnyObject; // JSON of collection properties (editable)


const success = await assetlayer.collections.updateCollection({
    collectionId: 'collectionId',
    description: 'description',
    tags: ['tag_1', 'tag_2'],
    royaltyRecipient: 'royaltyRecipientUserId',
    collectionImage: 'b64 data',
    collectionBanner: 'b64 data',
    properties: {}

Return Types

type ReturnType = boolean;

Last updated