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Apps are created and owned by teams. API access is done at the app level using an app-secret. All resources (collections, assets, currencies, etc) belong to a single app, although they can be shared between apps through permissions. User authentication also occurs at the app level. When a user authenticates through the login process, they are doing so for a single app.
appId: a UUID for the app
appName: a name for the app
appImage: a url to a 500x500 image used to represent the app in menus
appBanner: a url to an image used to represent the app in the marketplace
description: a text description of the app
url: a url where the app can be accessed by users
autoGrantRead: specifies whether other apps can automatically be granted a read-only permission from this app
teamId: the UUID for the team which owns the app
status: whether the app is active, or inactive
handcashAppId (optional): a corresponding HandCash app. This is required to user HandCash as a payment wallet
createdAt: date-time when the app was created
updatedAt: date-time when the app was last updated
slots: an array of slotIds that are a part of the app (see Slots for details)
appWallets: an array of app-owned wallets owned by the app (see Users for details)
appCurrencies: an array of currencies issued by the app (see... for details)