
Get assets belonging to the specified collections owned by the specified user


type GetUserCollectionsAssetsProps = {
    collectionIds: string[];
    walletUserId?: string; // specifies walletId if user is an app-owned wallet
    serials?: string; // if specified, response only includes assets with serial numbers in specified range (e.g. 1-10, 15, 20-25)
    range?: string; // if specified, response only includes assets with serial numbers in specified range (e.g. 1-10, 15, 20-25)
    idOnly?: boolean; // if true, response includes assetIds only
    countsOnly?: boolean; // if true, response includes asset counts only


const assets = await assetlayer.assets.getUserCollectionsAssets({
    collectionIds: ['collectionId_1', 'collectionId_2'],
    serials: '10-20',
    idOnly: false

Return Types

type ReturnType = Asset[] | AssetCounts;

Last updated