SDK Docs

In addition to a JavaScript SDK managed through NPM, the Asset Layer SDK includes a number of components to help developers with everything from learning about Asset Layer to launching production grade applications.

If you are new to Asset Layer and are building a web app, we recommend starting with Quick Start for Developers

If you are new to Asset Layer and are building a game with Unity, we recommend starting with Quick Start for Unity.

SDK Components

JavaScript SDK

Easily integrate the Asset Layer API into your JavaScript, Node, or TypeScript application. Get started with this guide Setup.

Proxy Server

An Express.js server that can be easily deployed without code and extended to include any type of server logic. By default, the proxy server appends your App Secret to requests from clients. Perfect for Web Apps and Unity games alike

Check out the repo here -

And check out our deployment guide here: (coming very soon)

Sample App

Sample app is a Next.js app with prebuilt pages and Asset Layer API endpoints already integrated. The easiest way to launch your app and publish your game to web.

Sample app is an open-source Next.js app that makes it extremely easy to deploy a working app with all of your application's Asset Layer assets, even if you aren't a developer! And, if you are a developer, you can use Sample App as a starting point and add your own functionality.

Unity Integration

Unity developers, we provide a downloadable package that extends the Unity editor, provides extendable assets, and includes a C# SDK to add custom logic with the Asset Layer API. The package comes fully equipped with playable tutorials.

Check out our guide on how to launch a game with Asset Layer and Unity in under 30 minutes (coming very soon)

Last updated